
Home CSR Responsibility Bearng

Always adhering to the corporate mission of “doing goo to society and benefiting the people with integrity”, Jemincare has conscientiously fulfilled its social responsibilities and highly focused on medication safety, aiming to benefit all patients with high-quality drugs.

  • Staff Rights
    And Interests—Favorite Employer Brand among Job Seekers

    Jemincare takes it as its mission to safeguard employees’ legitimate rights and interests, improve their income and remuneration, create a healthy working environment, increase industrial investments, absorb labor force through creating job opportunities, and alleviate employment pressure in society. By virtue of its outstanding achievements in safeguarding employee rights and interests, Jemincare has won the honorary titles of “Favorite Employer Brand among Job Seekers” and “Top Employer in Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry” multiple times, and been included in “Top 10 Featured HR Cases in Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry”.

  • Safety
    Production—Constant pursuit of "zero-defect" products

    Taking quality as the lifeline of the group, Jemincare is dedicated to offering “zero-defect” products, establishing the quality control benchmark of the industry, benefiting patients with high-quality drugs, and contributing to the “Healthy China” initiative. The pharmaceutical bases affiliated to Jemincare have all established their quality control processes and traceability systems in line with international standards, and passed the reciprocating cycle of PDCA. By constantly improving drug quality, they have achieved more than 70 provincial and national QC results, creating extraordinary social benefits.

  • Environmental
    protection—"Green Model Enterprise" at China Charity Festival

    Jemincare always upholds the concept of green development. All of its affiliated pharmaceutical bases are always committed to developing energy-saving, emission-reducing, and environment-friendly pharmaceutical manufacturing processes, and promoting the sustainable development of ecological civilization construction. Over the years, Jemincare has never been punished by the government or complained of by the public for environmental issues. By virtue of its excellent achievements in green development, it has won the title of “Green Model Enterprise” at 2018 China Charity Festival.

  • Compliance
    and fairness—Integrity and honesty in performance and practice

    Jemincare practices good business ethics in strict accordance with Interim Provisions on Banning Commercial Bribery, Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China, and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations, as well as the relevant laws and regulations of the countries and regions where Jemincare has operations and investments. By organizing regular legal training for employees and creating a sound supervision and audit system, Jemincare safeguards the normal order of operations and management, and promotes integrity and honesty on the part of all employees.

  • Responsible—serving the country and the people with industry

    Jemincare always adheres to its mission, endeavoring to serve the country and the people with industry. For years, Jemincare has made active donations and tremendous contributions in disaster rescue and relief, including Jiujiang Earthquake, Jiangxi Snow Disaster, Wenchuan Earthquake, Ningbo–Wenzhou Railway Accident, Tianjin Port Explosion Accident, and COVID-19 outbreak.

  • Public
    Welfare—Outstanding Contribution Award of China Charity presented by China Charity Federation

    Charity care is in the gene of Jemincare’s corporate culture. Jemincare organizes and encourages its employees to serve as volunteers, spread their love, help vulnerable groups, and contribute to the Hope Project and public welfare for the disabled. Jemincare has also invested lots of funds, materials, and manpower in patient support, community health education, and enrollment of poverty-stricken students, and won the Outstanding Contribution Award of China Charity presented by China Charity Federation.
