
Home Innovation Innovative Technologies Research Institute

The Innovative Technologies Research Institute was established to develop high-end generics and reformulated medicines. Over the years, we have built strong IP portfolio and core technologies that are highly competitive in this field world-wide. Our comprehensive toolkit consists of 7 DSS and API platforms – liposomes, inhalation formulations, polymeric microspheres, emulsions, solid dosage forms, liquid dosage forms, and API synthesis & scale-up. Leveraging these, we strive to develop innovative, differentiated medicines that deliver hope and better life quality to patients.

Innovative Development

  • Cross-platform integration
    (inhalation formulations with liposomes,
    oral delivery with microspheres)
  • Targeted long-acting
  • Compound medicines
    (inhalation formulation,
    liposomes, microspheres)
  • Combination of medicines
    with medical devices
  • Differentiated application
    of novel dosage forms

Exploration of Cutting-edge Technologies

Ongoing Projects

Pipeline SN Product Number Product Introduction
Oncology 1
Class 2.2 innovative liposomes are intended for conventional chemotherapy of multiple tumors, including non-small cell lung cancer, and can significantly reduce the toxicity issues caused by chemotherapy drugs.
2.2 class long-acting microspheres for chemical drugs, used for endocrine therapy of sex hormone related tumors
2.2 class long-acting microspheres for chemical drugs, used for endocrine therapy of sex hormone related tumors
Cardiovascular Diseases 4
Class 2.2 innovative liposomes for chemical drugs, used in vascular diseases to meet clinical needs
Respiratory Diseases 5
2.2+2.4 inhalation formulations of chemical drugs, with no competition in the same variety both domestically and internationally
Class 2.2 inhalation preparations for chemical drugs, with high medication convenience
Improved traditional Chinese medicine, inhalation dosage form, good safety, convenient for children's treatment
Tripartite inhaled aerosols are expected to become iterative treatment products
Pain 9
2.2 class long-acting microspheres for chemical drugs, meeting the clinical pain treatment needs
Class 2.2 long-acting microsphere compound formulation for chemical medicine, meeting the clinical pain treatment needs

R & D Team

More than 60% employees
with MS and PhD degrees

The Innovative Technologies Research Institute is led by seasoned leadership team with more than 20 years scientific and management experiences from leading pharmaceutical companies around the world. Currently, the institute has about 200 scientists and more than 60% of them hold MS and PhD degrees.

Seven Platforms

  • Liposome Platform

    Compound liposome technology
    Weak base/acid drug liposome system
    Modified targeted liposomes
    Liposome-device integration and other technologies

  • Innovative Inhalation Formulation Platform

    Dry powder inhalers
    Metered dose inhaler
    Nasal spray
    Other mucosal drug delivery formulations

  • Long-Acting Microsphere Platform

    Top Talents + Proprietary Instrument + Leading Projects

    Single emulsion platform
    Complex emulsion platform
    Phase separation platform
    Suspension technology
    Long-acting gels

  • Innovative Traditional Chinese Medicine Platform

    Focused TCM development: categories 1.1 and 1.2
    Expanded TCM pipelines: nephropathy, respiratory diseases, pain, and cardiovascular diseases
    Developing next-generation TCM products: identification of active components, development of novel TCM entities, IND filing, clinical developemnt, NDA filing
    Advancing TCM series: reproduction of traditional products, optimization of process development, improvement of quality, exploration of clinical value

  • Specialty API Platform

    API manufacturing (formulation platforms / API registration): liposomes, inhalation formulations, microspheres, solid dosage forms, liquid dosage forms
    Developing novel chemical technologies and green processes: chiral syntheses and telescoping syntheses, high performance membrane and resin separation, impurities separation and syntheses, quality control, polymorph study
    Product supporting: marketed and license-in products of Jemincare Group

  • High-end Oral Solid Dosage Platform

    Immediate release formulations (rapid onset of action)
    Solubility-improving technologies for insoluble molecules
    Sustained release formulations (daily administration)
    Multi-unit formulation for extended and controlled release

  • High-end Liquid Preparation platform

    High-end oral liquid preparations: oral emulsion, oral suspension, oral phospholipid dispersion, and enteral nutrition emulsion
    Special injectables: lipid injectable emulsions, plasma substitute, injectable suspension
